TC Part VI

Part VI

Ashley jumped from the table she had been sitting on and looked her sister in the eyes. Eve seemed herself so Ashley nodded and turned back to Koby, kissing him gently on his stiff lips.

A door banged open again and muffled cries could be heard as something thudded down the stairs. Eve and Ashley turned to the sound and spied Shazi pulling a wrapped bundle forcefully down the stairs.

“I found this around the house, it said we were all ugly and that you Ashley looked to be in your mid thirties!” Shazi yelled kicking the bundle. ” I could not let it stay there and report us…”

Ashley looked at Eve who was glaring now at the still unconscious Josh. “Well… it seems we will need a new table down here.” Ashley remarked.

“I will get Oby and we will push the tables here to the side before bringing in the spare!” Shazi gushed before giving the sack a kick and bounding up the stairs, her arms wrapped tightly across her chest to keep her breasts down so they didn’t bounce.

A short time later all four women were pushing the table Koby was tied on against the far wall. ” God damn it, why is it so heavy?” Puffed Oby who was struggling to keep her footing.

“It has a grown man on it you ditz, now keep pushing!” hissed Ashley as they all gave a mighty heave finally getting it against the wall.

“What you are doing is wrong, but if you let me go I swear I wont tell anyone!” Koby called in a panic.

Ashley smiled as Oby shoved the gag in his mouth, she misjudged slightly and Koby bit her finger. “You fucking little shit!” she yelped pulling her finger free and raising her other hand to punch him in the nose.

Ashley stepped forward and grabbed her fist.” Koby is MINE Obilvia, you know better then to play with someone elses toy.” She chided in a gentile voice.

“I’m sorry sis, but the arsehole bit me!” She held her finger out to show Ashley.

“Go have Mute see to it.” Eve grubled moving over to Josh to dab water on his lips. “I need to keep him alive so I have something to play with… Speeking of playing… can we hurry it up!”

“Alright, calm down sis.” Ashley smiled ” we will get to him soon. Shazi, come help me with the other table.”

“Sure!” Shazi beamed following Ashley up the stairs. “I cant wait to get my hands on him, how rude is that calling you old!”

” Not to worry little sis, you can get him.” Ashley said lifting one end of the second table in the dining room while Shazi took hold of the other. ” Lets get this downstairs and we will go from there.”

About Talena

I love to write. no matter what it is ^.^ View all posts by Talena

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